St. James’ & St. Peter’s cut flower project brings together people who are interested in growing flowers for use in church, or to give away.

Our hope is to seek God in creation by sowing and growing, and to look after our planet by producing flowers close to home.

2023 is our first year - say a prayer for our seedlings !

Outdoor space is perfect for contemplation, for noticing nature and listening to God.

The benefits of time spent in our natural environment are well documented. Outdoor space offers spiritual, physical and mental well being.

Here, in the quiet of your garden, allotment or in our graveyard you have a special place where God is the gardener. Walk through the borders, veg patch and wildflower meddow and see the beauty of his creation.

However you experience the garden, open your heart and mind to the wonderful things which God offers us.

Each one of us did the work God gave us to do. I planted the seed and Apollos watered it. But God is the one who made the seed grow.

(1 Corinthians 3: 6)


The Big Knitted Christmas Tree