The Bellringers

The ringers meet on Wednesdays at 19:30 to 21:00 for ringing practice. We also ring before Sunday morning services at 10:00 all year round. We have a nice ring of 6 bells, of which one is very historic, having been cast by the Bagleys in a field in Northamptonshire in the middle of the 17th Century.

We have around a dozen regular Ringers at various levels. We ring 'Bob Doubles' well and we are working on 'Bob Minor Grandsire' 'St Simons' and 'Reverse Canterbury Pleasure'. We also have several team members who are most comfortable with rounds, call changes and 'Plain Hunting'.


New Members are always welcome, whether you have rung before or are a complete beginner. Being a regular church-goer is not a pre-requisite, some of us are and some of us aren't, but we all try to make a contribution to the life of the Church, by joining in with the wider activities of the Parish.

We are a friendly bunch, we have fun, we work hard on our ringing and we enjoy going for a quick drink at The Baraset after practice. Contact Julia Lucas for more details or come along on a Wednesday.

Please contact the Bell Captain, John Harbottle, for more information.


Senior Choir


Youth Choir