See! The winter is past;
the rains are over and gone.
12 Flowers appear on the earth;
the season of singing has come,
the cooing of doves
is heard in our land.
Song of Songs 2: 11-12
Welcome to Alveston Churches
St James’ & St Peter’s are welcoming, inclusive, and active churches.
We are a Church of England church aiming to be active and make a positive difference to our local community. We are an approachable church where you can be yourself and feel at home, get involved in a wide range of activities or simply be present in our worship of God.
We are here to pray for and serve our community and to welcome all. Whether you’ve been around churches before or whether the whole thing is completely new to you, you are really welcome to come and join us.
Newsletter *
This week’s newsletter:
We would love you to join us in Church
Come along to our Holy Week and Easter Services
or on Thursdays: 10.30 Midweek Communion at St James’ Alveston (during winter months) or Old Church (during summer months)
Refreshments are always available after our services
The Parish of Alveston, St. James’ & St. Peter’s is proud to be a SAFER CHURCH - all of our volunteers are basic safeguarding trained.
Our Safeguarding Officer is Erica Johnston, who can be contacted at: erica@interbrands.ltd
Giving to St. James’ and St. Peter’s
Your Parish Needs You: We are sorry to report that the parish is continuing to have some financial difficulty, having never recovered numbers following Covid, and the cost of heating and maintenance of both churches. Please could we ask you to think and pray about your giving. We firmly believe that giving is a part of our Christian faith and witness of Christ.
Giving a little extra each week, or making a one off donation, would help enormously. There are several ways to do this:
Completing a Parish Giving form and returning it to a member of the PCC.
Making a standing order through your bank. Our banking details are: Barclays Bank PLC. Account Alveston PCC
Sort code 20-48-08 Acc. 70115177
Using the card machine in St. James’
Putting a donation on the collection plate on a Sunday morning, using the yellow envelopes if you are a UK taxpayer so we can claim the Gift Aid.
Giving by cheque.
Or use the QR code below.
If you would like to discuss your giving with our treasure please feel free to email David Johnston on: david@interbrands.ltd
Even if you are not a regular member of our congregation, if you appreciate the work we do at St. James’ and St. Peter’s please help us to pay our bills. We receive no money from the Church of England or from the Government to help us maintain our beautiful buildings. With thanks from all members of the PCC.